
From LUMbA Wiki
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This is a list of common abbreviations used to describe features, groups, etc. across both platforms.
For a list of all definitions, see Help:Glossary.

MediaWiki abbreviations

  • AF: AbuseFilter, an extension for taking automated actions upon certain edits or log actions.
  • CSS: Help:CSS and JS customization
  • MW: MediaWiki, usually used when referring to system messages or pages.
  • RC: Recent Changes, a list of the latest actions performed in the wiki.
  • RV: Revert

Fandom abbreviations

  • /f: Discussions Feed, this is used at the end of URL for Discussions pages.
  • CC: Community Central
  • CCCrew: Community Central Crew, the moderation team for LUMbA Wiki.
  • ConVol: Content Volunteer
  • CTM: Content Team Members
  • DPL: DynamicPageList
  • F/G: Fandom/Gamepedia, the official Discord server for Fandom and Gamepedia.
  • GDM: Global Discussions Moderator
  • PI: Portable Infoboxes
  • S:C: Special:Contact
  • SOAP: Spam Obliteration and Prevention
  • UCP: Unified Community Platform
  • UCX: Unified Customer Experience
  • WS: Wiki Specialists

Gamepedia abbreviations

  • DPL3: DynamicPageList3
  • GP: Gamepedia

Further help and feedback

Template:Help and feedback section

es:Ayuda:Abreviaciones fr:Aide:Abréviations hu:Segítség:Rövidítések it:Aiuto:Abbreviazioni tr:Yardım:Kısaltmalar zh:Help:縮寫