Help:Community Page

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Template:Enabled by default

File:Community Page.png
A sample Special:Community page

The Community Page feature is a launching point for editors on a community, bringing together information about recent activity and suggestions for pages to improve. In particular, it can help new editors become familiar with the community they're joining and areas where the wiki leadership has indicated need assistance.

How to reach it

The Community Page lives in Special:Community, and can be easily reached by clicking the "⧼fd-community-header-community⧽" link on the "⧼fd-community-header-explore⧽" tab of the wiki navigation bar. Template:Clr

What it contains

The Community Page contains:

  • A large banner image to show off your community's topic.
  • Many suggestions for pages to edit and improve on the left side, including several lists picked from certain special pages, and an area for admins to provide their own suggestions and advice.
  • Community information on the right side, including recently active admins, top contributors and recent arrivals.
  • A location to link to your community policies, plus links to important help pages.

How it works

Banner image and text
  • The banner image can be changed by community admins by uploading a file to File:Community-Page-Header.jpg.
    • Should be at least 1200x250px.
    • Check that the image colors work with your local theme.
    • Heading text can be edited at MediaWiki:Communitypage-tasks-header-welcome and MediaWiki:Communitypage-subheader-welcome.
From the community
  • This is an area where admins can provide a wide range of suggestions and pointers for new contributors. For example, it could:
    • Point visitors to pages of particular importance, such as an upcoming release.
    • Link categories of pages in need of updating, like Category:Stubs.
    • Direct users to the best place to ask questions.
    • Request comments on a current topic of discussion, such as new Discussions guidelines.
  • Normal article wikitext can be used here and can be any length.
  • The contents can be edited by admins via the pencil icon, or at MediaWiki:Community-to-do-list.
Top contributors this week
  • This list resets on Sunday night / Monday morning - specifically, around 00:00 UTC on Monday.
  • Uploading an image/video and adding it to a page are counted separately.
  • Note: rankings are not tracked over the long term, and there are no rewards for being high in the list.
Help links
  • The community policies that are linked within the help module message can be edited by admins.
    • It can be found at MediaWiki:Communitypage-policy-module-link-page-name.
    • This can point to any page in your community, and defaults to "[[MediaWiki:Communitypage-policy-module-link-page-name]]".

Further help and feedback

Template:Help and feedback section

de:Hilfe:Community-Seite es:Ayuda:Página Comunitaria fi:Ohje:Yhteisösivu fr:Aide:Page Communauté it:Aiuto:Pagina della Community ja:ヘルプ:コミュニティ・ページ nl:Help:Communitypagina pl:Pomoc:Strona Społeczności pt:Ajuda:Página da Comunidade ru:Справка:Страница сообщества tr:Yardım:Topluluk Sayfası uk:Довідка:Сторінка спільноти vi:Trợ giúp:Trang cộng đồng zh:Help:社区页