Help:Contacting Fandom

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This page explains how to report a problem to the Fandom Community Support Team relating to any Fandom community. Please don't use this page itself to report a problem - find the right page from the links below!

You can also ask for help and report problems on the Community Central Discussions.


Reporting copyright violations

For claims of copyright infringement, please contact our designated agent under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act:

Attn: Copyright Agent
Fandom, Inc.
130 Sutter Street
Fandom, 4th Floor
San Francisco, California 94104
United States

You may also use our support form to send your DMCA takedown notice to Fandom, or you may directly email the designated agent via [email protected]. Please include "Claim of copyright infringement" in the subject of your email. For clarity, only DMCA notices should go to the Copyright Agent.

Informal queries or requests relating to copyright or licensing matters can be sent to Fandom using this contact area.

Fixing article content

Everyone can edit articles and other pages on Fandom. If you see something incorrect with a page, just use the edit link and correct it. To talk about ways to improve a page further, or to report a problem on a protected page, use the Talk button displayed when you are viewing that page, and then add a comment there.

You can also see Help:Improving help pages for additional information on how to improve help pages.

Reporting bugs

To submit bug reports and feature requests, please use the support form. Please check out this page before submitting bug reports.

You can also ask about technical problems on the Community Central Discussions.

Other problems

Other problems with the content, or with another user, should be dealt with by the contributors on that specific community. Many wikis will have a central community area linked in their top navigation menu, such as the community portal page or the Discussions, where you can report a problem.

To talk to an individual user, go to their user page and use their Message Wall or user talk page to send them a message. The user will be notified automatically of the new message.

If you find the problem is not solved after you have contacted the local community, including the administrator(s), you can address your problem to the wider Fandom community on the Community Central Discussions or the Fandom Discord server.

If you still can't solve the problem...

If you cannot solve the problem using the above means, you can contact Fandom staff using the Special:Contact page on any wiki. On that page you will see a number of different options to choose from:

If you wanted to close your account, for example, you'd select "account management" and then "I want to disable my account" and follow the instructions.

If those options don't cover what you are looking to contact Fandom about, feel free to use the general contact form.

Further help and feedback

Template:Help and feedback section

ca:Ajuda:Contactar amb Fandom de:Hilfe:Kontakt es:Ayuda:Contactar con Fandom fr:Aide:Contacter Fandom hi:सहायता:Fandom से संपर्क करना it:Aiuto:Contattare Fandom ja:ヘルプ:Fandomとの連絡 ko:도움말:팬덤에 문의하기 nl:Help:Contact opnemen met Fandom pl:Pomoc:Kontakt z Fandomem pt:Ajuda:Contatando o FANDOM ru:Справка:Обратная связь tr:Yardım:Fandom'a iletişim uk:Довідка:Контакти vi:Trợ giúp:Liên hệ Fandom zh:Help:聯絡Fandom