Help:Edit count

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Template:Enabled on request Editcount is a special page found at Special:EditCount on any wiki. You can use it to view the editing statistics for any users registered on that wiki, by simply entering their username in the box provided and clicking Submit. This feature is currently not standard available on wikis, though a community can request Fandom staff via a support ticket to enable it.

What can I see on this page?

Check how many edits you have made with Special:EditCount.

When it is enabled by staff, this shows your total amount of edits for that wiki, as well as the number of edits you have made in each individual namespace.

For example: In the picture to the right, User:Fandom is shown as having 31 user namespace edits. Those 31 edits are 4.21% of the 735 edits it has made on the wiki in total.

Using the Editcount page

You may want to reference this Editcount page elsewhere on the community. There are a few ways in which you can do that:

  • Linking Special:EditCount/Username, with "Username" being replaced with the name of the person whose edit count you're looking up, will take you directly to that person's edit count page.
  • Using {{Special:Editcount/Username}} will embed Username's local edit count.
  • Using {{Special:Editcount/Username/Namespace}}, with "Namespace" being replaced by the name of the namespace, will embed the number of local edits for a specific namespace.

See also

  • Editing on Fandom
  • Namespaces on Fandom
  • Special pages on Fandom

Further help and feedback

Template:Help and feedback section de:Hilfe:Beitragszähler es:Ayuda:Contador de ediciones fr:Aide:Compteur de modifications it:Aiuto:Conteggio delle modifiche ja:ヘルプ:編集回数のカウント pl:Pomoc:Licznik edycji pt:Ajuda:Contador de edições tr:Yardım:Değişiklik sayacı uk:Довідка:Лічильник редагувань vi:Trợ giúp:Đếm sửa đổi zh:Help:编辑统计