Help:How to report bugs

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This article covers how to report bugs you find on Fandom.

We want your experience of Fandom to be as bug-free as possible, and we welcome anyone who spots a bug to report it to us. However, in order to help us solve those issues, we have a few tips about how to report them.

Where should it be reported?

Bugs can be reported through this support form. If you run into issues with this, you can email the message through to [email protected] instead, but the contact form is preferred.

What should a problem report contain?

  • Details of the issue - try to make it as clear as possible, including specific details and steps on how to reproduce the problem.
  • What community and what exact page you were on when you saw the problem (using the full URL from your browser's address bar).
    • You must include the URL of the wiki where you encountered the problem. If you've encountered the same problem on multiple wikis, please include as many of the URLs as you can, but always include at least one. Saying that something happens "everywhere" is not useful.
  • A screenshot of how the bug behaves (when that is possible).
    • See for details on how to take a screenshot on your computer/device.
    • There are also some browser plug-ins that can make taking screenshots easier, such as Awesome Screenshot and Nimbus. Firefox browser has a built-in screenshot tool available in the right-click context menu.
  • If the issue arises while you are editing a wiki, also include which wiki editor you use and whether or not you were editing from a desktop or a mobile device.
  • Log file of browser connections (when that is possible).
    • Follow instructions on this page in order to get .har file from your browser that contain detailed log of network connections made by your browser when connecting to a page. This information may be very helpful for engineers to diagnose the source of your problem, especially when it's related to page or particular page elements not working and other similar issues.
  • Your device details, particularly:
    • Browser, including version number (for example Chrome 75, Safari 12.1.1)
    • Operating System (for example Windows 10, macOS 10.14, Android 11)
    • Access method (desktop, mobile or Fandom App)
  • The full text of any error messages.
  • Whether you were logged in or logged out at the time, and with which username.

Thank you in advance from the entire Fandom team!

Further help and feedback

Template:Help and feedback section

ca:Ajuda:Com informar d'errors de:Hilfe:Bugs melden es:Ayuda:Cómo informar de fallos fi:Ohje:Kuinka raportoida bugeista fr:Aide:Comment signaler des bugs hi:सहायता:बग्स को कैसे रिपोर्ट करें it:Aiuto:Segnalare i bug ja:ヘルプ:バグを報告するには nl:Help:Bugs melden pl:Pomoc:Jak zgłaszać błędy pt:Ajuda:Como reportar bugs ru:Справка:Сообщить об ошибке tr:Yardım:Hataları bildirme uk:Довідка:Повідомлення про помилку zh:Help:如何回報錯誤