Help:Language codes

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Language codes designate the primary language of a wiki. They are vital to the processes of starting a new community, internationalization, and interlanguage links.

Language codes are appended in the URL after .com for every non-English wiki. For example, is the French Star Wars wiki. English wikis do not show a language code in the URL, so is the English Star Wars wiki.

Most language codes are two-letter variants derived from the native word for the language. For example, es is Spanish (from "Español") and de is German (from "Deutsch"). However, some language codes are longer than two letters, such as pt-br for Brazilian Portuguese.

List of codes

The following is a list of every code to start a new community or create interlanguage links for the respective language.

Keep in mind that the inclusion of a language code in the below list does not mean that Fandom can offer formal support for communities using that language. It also does not mean that the software has been fully translated for that language. International support is provided only for certain languages by our International Wiki Representatives.


See also

  • Languages on Fandom Developers Wiki

Further help and feedback

Template:Help and feedback section de:Hilfe:Sprachcodes es:Ayuda:Código de idioma fr:Aide:Codes de langue hi:सहायता:भाषा कोड it:Aiuto:Codice lingua ja:ヘルプ:言語コード pl:Pomoc:Kod języka pt:Ajuda:Código de idioma ru:Справка:Языковые коды tr:Yardım:Dil kodu uk:Довідка:Мовний код vi:Trợ giúp:Mã ngôn ngữ zh:Help:语言代码