Help:Protect site

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Protect site is a MediaWiki extension installed on all fandom wikis that allows Fandom Staff, Wiki Specialists, and the Spam Obliteration and Prevention team to temporarily restrict certain actions on a community to stop major instances of spam or vandalism.


This extension can be used to restrict actions to either registered users and administrators or administrators. The following actions can be restricted:

Those with access to Protect site will see a link to it in Special:SpecialPages and can use it from Special:ProtectSite. For further information, see the extension documentation.

See also

Further help and feedback

Template:Help and feedback section

de:Hilfe:Protect Site es:Ayuda:Proteger el sitio fr:Aide:ProtectSite hi:सहायता:साइट सुरक्षा it:Aiuto:Protect site ja:ヘルプ:サイト保護 nl:Help:Protect site pt:Ajuda:Proteção de site pl:Pomoc:Protect site ru:Справка:Защита сайта tr:Yardım:Siteyi koru uk:Довідка:Захист сайту vi:Trợ giúp:Bảo vệ toàn phần zh:Help:保護全站