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File:Sock puppet brandon.jpg
A literal sockpuppet

A sockpuppet is an alternate account created specifically to cause disruption and issues on a wiki. Sockpuppets are usually used for:

  • Evading a block
  • Vandalism
  • Harassing users
  • Creating or instigating conflict

If it is discovered that a user is abusing multiple accounts to cause trouble, the accounts will most likely be blocked by staff, depending on the severity of the event. All questions regarding these accounts should be submitted to Special:Contact.

Sockpuppets vs. multiple accounts

Sockpuppets are distinct from having multiple legitimate accounts. You can have more than one account on Fandom (for example, if you use bots or other automated maintenance tools), provided they are not used for disruption or deceptions.

Note that some communities may have specific policies related to multiple accounts, so always examine local policies before editing!

See also

Related blog posts

  • You and Your Socks

Further help and feedback

Template:Help and feedback section de:Hilfe:Sockenpuppen es:Ayuda:Cuentas títeres fr:Aide:Faux-nez it:Aiuto:Sockpuppet pl:Pomoc:Pacynka pt:Ajuda:Sockpuppet fi:Ohje:Haamuhenkilö ja:ヘルプ:ソックパペット nl:Help:Sokpop tr:Yardım:Çorap kuklası uk:Довідка:Лялька vi:Trợ giúp:Con rối zh:Help:傀儡帳號