Help talk:User rights

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Older discussions (2008…2012) are archived.

How to lock my wikia ?


I created a wikia to help people, but now the community doesn't exist anymore. I asked them if they want to be admin, but they don't. I The wiki is about helping people on 2 games (Denpamen) by giving a lot of usefull infos. Now that everybody lost the will to continue playing, I want the wiki to be a "read only".

It happens 5 times that some user posts junks on the wiki, I don't want to spend all my life to watch it. For that reason, we agreed that the wiki need to be blocked (not deleted), in case one guy in the future want some infos on these games.

So I come here to ask you : Is it possible to restrict the permissions of the wiki, so that the admin can mod it but every other Users + Anon can only read the wiki.

Thanks for reading. Template:Unsigned

No, there isn't. Wikia does not offer private wikis in the manner you are looking for. Wikia wikis are meant to be collaborative and anyone can edit. You can always promote an admin or two if you're not able to look after the wiki. Rappy <staff/> 17:59, November 26, 2013 (UTC)

Multiple Picture Upload

I can't find out which user role you need to have to get the multiple photo upload option.

Zitronenfalter12 (talk) 11:28, December 30, 2013 (UTC)

I can't add pages to any wikis. It says the wiki doesn't have that page, and I have good ideas!Anthonyjason15 (talk) 16:59, April 25, 2014 (UTC)Anthonyjason15

Adding Groups to Wikia

I need the Wikia staff create groups on Wikia that are global or managed on every wiki. Groups are global moderators, image controllers, blog patrollers and custodians that needed to be added on Wikia, was the same as the phpBB groups management that can be managed by an admin or founder on every wiki like as administrators, bureaucrats, rollback and chat moderators on those users request! Added those will be available in the user rights management by an admin when we've created those on a request! --User:Lt. Allen/Signature 1 14:16, April 27, 2014 (UTC)

You can suggest it on Special:Contact. However, I doubt they're creating more global positions (other than Staff, Helper, VSTF and I probably forgot some) without a clear mission brief or at least a different explanation from "that other site has this too". Wikia manages and recruits these global positions very carefully (as they should), and they definitely won't be available in the regular User Rights Management, if they're made at all. --Tupka217 14:24, April 27, 2014 (UTC)
Staff do not create global usergroups on request. However, they may consider local wiki usergroups instead for your wiki. – Ozuzanna 14:25, April 27, 2014 (UTC)
1) I told you 10,000 times to Special:Contact. 2) Staff won't add them to your sandbox wiki as there's no point. 3) They won't add it globally, again, no point and too many changes. User:Jr Mime/Signature 14:30, April 27, 2014 (UTC)
I've contacted Wikia staff about I need them to create groups that are managed. --User:Lt. Allen/Signature 1 15:24, April 27, 2014 (UTC)
Personally, I fail to see the need. You can ask them, but make sure to explain why these are needed. Folly titles add nothing. --Tupka217 15:46, April 27, 2014 (UTC)

Custom Tags

I want to change the text for the 'Rollback' title next to a user, and also add other special title boxes, can anyone give me help? NTA65bz, wanna chat? 21:25, June 17, 2014 (UTC)

Hey, you can use UserTags script for it--~UltimateSupreme 14:40, June 17, 2014 (UTC)

Bureaucrats and Rollbacks Query

Are bureaucrats able to give themselves adminship?

Also is it possible to give rollbacks the ability to delete things? -- Stryzzar 02:55, October 3, 2014 (UTC)

Per the top of the page, this talk page is about suggesting changes to the help page, not asking questions. For that, you should be using the Forum -- a place that your question will be viewed by many more users and hopefully answered much quicker than here.
To answer your questions: yes and yes. The latter would have to be requested through Special:Contact though and would probably require some form of community consensus or discussion. Rappy <staff/> 03:55, October 17, 2014 (UTC)
Thankyou so much, and sorry about the question thing. Stryzzar 11:25, October 17, 2014 (UTC)

Sarah Jane Wikia

Hi on the Sarah Jane Wikia I want to become an admin member of the wikia but there is no one active on the website apart from me. I want to make the wikia better and being an admin will surely help as I have other high positions on other wikis.


You can adopt it. --Tupka217 21:42, November 17, 2014 (UTC)

Order and Moderator

I think the order of user rights on the local level should be rearranged. Maybe Registered-Autoconfirmed-Emailconfirmed-Checkuser-Rollback-Moderator-Chatmoderator-Administrator-Bureaucrat-Founder-Bot? Right now it just seems out of order. Also, you should specify that Admin rights include Moderator rights as well. And maybe specify if Admins can give users moderator or rollback rights. Similar issue with bureaucrat. Would be nice if you could specify that they can manipulate moderator rights. CloneMarshalCommanderCody (talk) 04:34, January 29, 2015 (UTC)

Future users

the future users are superusers that will be that have the abilities for all the things bureaucrat,staff,checkuser,rollback,etc. i wish this Template:Unsigned


Hey!  I've looked FOREVER, and i've found no way to edit names for user right groups on a local wiki.  I've been wanting to learn how to do this.  I have been learning how wikia works on my testing wiki so I can help improve the Castle Crashers wiki.  ANYWAYS, being able to create custom user rights groups would be great.  Ragonoid (talk) 13:49, February 18, 2015 (UTC)

Here. --Tupka217 14:02, February 18, 2015 (UTC)
Addendum: you can change the names and create new tags, but you can't create new groups with powers. For that, you need to ask staff at Special:Contact/general; give good arguments for why you need that (and don't overkill). But they might say no. --Tupka217 14:03, February 18, 2015 (UTC)

Crats removing bot flag

Can someone confirm if this part is true:

Bureaucrats also have the ability to revoke a user's bot status in case the bot is malfunctioning

Some crats on some wiki's I've been to have reported that they can't remove a user's bot status at all. Is it a bug on some wiki's, or did Wikia retroactively remove this ability for some reason? --SuperSajuuk Talk Page | Tabber Code | Channel 16:21, March 25, 2015 (UTC)

By default, that is correct in that bureaucrats have the ability to remove bot rights. The fact that this isn't the case on some wikias should be reported to Special:Contact. It sounds like someone made a mistake when a custom usergroup was added or removed and should be fixed.
It is also possible that this was done intentionally. There have been cases where wikias had abused the power to demote bots and it was taken away. Regardless, to get this investigated, please toss the details to Special:Contact. Thanks. Rappy <staff/> 16:36, March 25, 2015 (UTC)
Late, but thanks Rappy! I'll get a crat over on one of the wiki's where I'm aware of this bug to contact Wikia to get it fixed. Thanks! :) --SuperSajuuk Talk Page | Tabber Code | Channel 16:56, March 27, 2015 (UTC)

Thread Moderator

Hello. I am a bureaucrat at Hunterpedia, and we have a discussion about promoting a user to become a Thread Moderator for our forums. I have checked the Special:UserRights and could not find the Thread Moderator. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. - Darkchylde 12:02,3/31/2015

Re: rename

"It's what people call them" because it's what Special:UserRights is named. ;) -452 17:41, May 20, 2015 (UTC)

Indeed! I've been meaning to move this page, the thought just popped back into my head :) User:Kirkburn/Sig 17:51, May 20, 2015 (UTC)

Custom Titles

On my wiki, administrators/crats both have the title "Team Bandipedia" show as their title. Meanwhile, Rollbackers don't get anything. How do I change this? YellowLucario 21:55, June 17, 2015 (UTC)

See this. --Tupka217 22:00, June 17, 2015 (UTC)

User rights that are not yet listed

Help:User rights is missing information on Restricted-login, Image Reviewers, Content-reviewer, and Wikifactory, among other user rights. If anyone knows the details of these user rights could they add it to the help page? --User:LegendFPS/Sig

This page does not need to have a list of every single user right that exists, especially for rights that no-one outside of Wikia employees are likely to have :) As such, these are not items we plan to add. User:Kirkburn/Sig 15:09, November 17, 2015 (UTC)


I have a weird problem on one wikia I'd never expirienced through 6 years of editing different Wikias. Admin warned me (in a somewhat rude form) about contents of my user page, specifically about a list of all of my contributions I maintain systematically on an each user page on each Wikia. He says that that's why we have contributions pages (which list all of what we did chronologically, while I maintain the list to see specifically how much articles and categories I've created and how much of what I did and also to make it easily visible by others) so there is no need in that. But a question there is whether he has the right to tell me, what I should or should not have on my user page, if I have nothing prohibited/offending on the page? 

Admin is a Wikia Star, he's quite good at what he does but we had a few disagreements about his ultra-minimalistic approach on anything as he restricts pages from being in more then three-to-five categories and deletes nearly anything that he thinks is "speculative", which is frankly speaking is anything that was not directly and obviously stated on the TV series in question, so he more or less restricts users from making logical conclusions.

As I disagreed with his opinion on a few occasions (I was not protesting or adding something again, I just said that my opinion differs) such looks to me like he's nit-picking to have me banned. --Тостер (talk) 07:46, November 27, 2015 (UTC)

I believe that user pages inside a local wiki would fall in the category of a local issue - i.e. user pages are observed as part of local rules and admins and he more than likely has a fair amount of control over that. You can talk to him in a reserved manner about it and see if he understands, or if that's not possible you could simply reduce the list (like removing 'minor edits' and store the contents elsewhere. Noreplyz talk 09:18, November 27, 2015 (UTC)
As Wikia Staff, I wouldn't say we have a very strong opinion on the matter - but personally, I would say that a user page can contain whatever the heck the user wants, as long as it abides by the Terms of Use and doesn't interfere with the rest of the community. While local communities can set their own rules, we'd recommend against making them very strict since that will likely just discourage editors. User:Kirkburn/Sig 14:50, November 27, 2015 (UTC)
That's basically what I feel like - discouraged. He says that I'm "constantly editing your userpage (sic!) to the point where it's considered spam editing". --Тостер (talk) 00:14, November 28, 2015 (UTC)
If that is the case, consider keeping your profile edits to once a week or once a fortnight (and store your progress into a text file or something). The admin may just be cautious of flooding the Recent Changes/Wiki Activity, which may prevent effective monitoring of edits in the wiki. Noreplyz talk 00:24, November 28, 2015 (UTC)
That is what I'm more or less going to do, but he explicitly, twice, said that that's why you need "contributions" page, so I'm now afraid to get banned without warning... Great thanks for advice, anyway... --Тостер (talk) 01:55, November 28, 2015 (UTC)

Demoting Bureaucrats


Currently I am an admin on the Survivors by Erin Hunter Wiki. With the start of a new year, we, the other staff of the wiki, were wondering how it was possible to demote bureaucrats. I've currently done the reading on the User Rights page, and it says that other than demoting themselves, Staff can remove their rights. Considering that most of these users have personally said they were stepping down or leaving the wiki for good (or haven't been contributing for years and inactive), I was wondering if I could be directed to the place or person to speak about removing these individuals as bureaucrats. We're hoping to clean through our staff list. 

Thank you! 

User:ReikoMango/Sig 15:36, January 3, 2016 (UTC)

If the bureaucrat has been inactive for over a year (and you're an admin on the Wiki/ if other active admins get their consent to it in a thread) send into Staff in Special:Contact/general to remove the rights. If the bureaucrat has been active within the last year, start a public discussion with the community on removing their rights. If the majority agree, then send it to Staff in Special:Contact/general. Ripto (Talk) 16:08, January 3, 2016 (UTC)
Thank you for the help! I'll look into doing that. User:ReikoMango/Sig 16:11, January 3, 2016 (UTC)
Of course, anymore questions or concerns on this just ask :) Ripto (Talk) 16:12, January 3, 2016 (UTC)

Minor question

What is the MediaWiki group name for Content Moderators (for eg: MediaWiki group name of Admins is "sysop")? Lord Kavpeny (talk) 17:37, February 4, 2016 (UTC)

It is content-moderator. Rider ranger47 talk ~ contribs 17:05, February 4, 2016 (UTC)
Thanks a lot :-)
Lord Kavpeny (talk) 17:37, February 4, 2016 (UTC)

Obscure rights

Why is it not explained here what a "Dexboxpanel", "Sotdhelper" and a "Wikiawidget" user right is? Plus, does anyone know what they mean? PhilippL (TalkContribsGuestbook) 13:39, March 12, 2016 (UTC)

See #User_rights_that_are_not_yet_listed -- AmonFatalis <helper/> 15:03, March 12, 2016 (UTC)
Indeed - and we are working on cleaning up some of these, so they may disappear again in the future. User:Kirkburn/Sig 13:53, March 14, 2016 (UTC)

Content moderator tag

Hi, I've seen that the sentence "Having this status causes "CONTENT MODERATOR" to appear next to the username on the user's userpage." is hidden now with the explanation: Not true, yet!

Does that mean this tag shall be given in the future or what does it mean?

 Harry granger   Talk | contribs 

19:54, March 21, 2016 (UTC)
It's on our list to add in the future. User:Kirkburn/Sig 21:31, March 21, 2016 (UTC)

Volunteer Spam Task Force / Administrator Rights

It says that VSTF have Administrator access across all Wikia. Is it supposed to mean that they have access to the administrator user-group (which is true if this is the case). Or is it supposed to mean that they have all the same tools that administrators have (which isn't true since examining the ListGroupRights page shows that despite having access to the administrator user-group; they actually have fewer individual rights as a standalone group than administrators do, although the tools that VSTF have that administrators don't, make them more efficient with cleaning up spam). ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 09:00, April 20, 2016 (UTC)

„Administrator access“ just means that one has much more abilities than regular users. It didn't say administrator-group-equal user rights, btw. Nevertheless, I've rephrased „administrator access“ into „extended user rights“ to avoid future confusion. :) -- AmonFatalis <helper/> 10:59, April 20, 2016 (UTC)
There's confusion with "administrator access" for Vstf, yet under Helpers having it worded as "having most staff rights" doesn't confuse for being Staff? User:Ripto22475/Signature
Yes. When tallying up their rights, Staff have the most rights of any user-group. Helpers have the second highest number of rights, followed by Admins 3rd, and VSTF 4th. But that aside, when looking at the user-rights these groups have, Helpers don't even have all the tools extended to Administrators or even Discussion Moderators. While Helpers do have a significantly higher number of staff rights than VSTF, I think that the information regarding Helpers should be rephrased. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 22:05, April 20, 2016 (UTC)
I doubt that anybody would have mislead assumptions on the groups' tasks and permissions, only because of this page's blurry/inaccurat use of the terms „administrator access“ or „most staff rights“. But I've rephrased the section, highlighting the connection between staff-like tasks and user rights. -- AmonFatalis <helper/> 23:37, April 20, 2016 (UTC)


I've noticed that discussion mods can also be chat mods. Honestly, I don't think that was at all necessary. If a person wanted to make someone a discussion mod and a chat mod, they could've just added both rights. Because of this, the Pokemon Wiki currently has 8 chat mods when there are only supposed to be 3 (including me). I would like an answer to why this is thought to be correct.

Thank You.

03:12, August 31, 2016 (UTC)

If several users on that wiki are feeling that way, An administrator or bureaucrat on that wiki could always send a message to Wikia Staff, requesting that the chat moderator rights that are included with discussion moderator be removed. But they usually won't accept these sorts of requests, unless a community consensus is reached. But I see no reason why they should remove chat moderator abilities from discussion moderators on all wikis, and I would be strongly opposed to such a change, as that would be detrimental to the system of various wikis. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 03:17, August 31, 2016 (UTC)
Although that is true, I've talked to two bureaucrats of the wikia (one had recently resigned his position due to not playing pokemon anymore), and one who's almost always on the wikia. The former bureaucrat was also strongly against this and the other bureaucrat didn't seem to thinkn that this was a good idea either. I'll go and ask them if they think that removing the right at least within the pokemon wikia would be a good idea.
11:47, August 31, 2016 (UTC)

Making a user an admin

Myself and a fellow admin are trying to make another user an admin...however we can't...We aren't getting the administrator option on the right. Why it is that we can't make this user an admin? We're admins so we should we able to, right? CureHibiki (talk) 03:05, October 7, 2016 (UTC)

You need to be a bureaucrat to promote another user to admin. Hope this helps! :D ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 03:07, October 7, 2016 (UTC)
A bureaucrat? And what happens if you have no bureaucrats on your wiki? Because no one on my wiki is a bureaucrat and we don't know who the founder was...Is it possible someone here can make one of us admins a bureaucrat? CureHibiki (talk) 03:18, October 7, 2016 (UTC)
You'd need to make an adoption request. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 03:20, October 7, 2016 (UTC)
You cannot adopt the wiki right now, as Shadowneko last edited two weeks ago. You'll need to contact him if you want to have someone promoted to admin, or you promoted to bureaucrat.--Annabeth and Percy~They say you gotta take the good with the bad. I'll take it all as long as I have you. 03:29, October 7, 2016 (UTC)
In other words, there is a bureaucrat on that wiki. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 03:35, October 7, 2016 (UTC)
Ah~ So Shadowneko is a Bureaucrat? Thank the lord~ CureHibiki (talk) 03:53, October 7, 2016 (UTC)


According to the terms of use, it's not allowed to attempt to impersonate another user or person. Does it also referring to users that almost have same username as an Admin on a Wiki? HorizonStriker (talk) 12:48, October 19, 2016 (UTC)

Can you give an example of what you mean? If someone intentionally has a name that's almost identical to someone else's (and are using it to confuse people), then yes - that's against the rules. User:Kirkburn/Sig 14:37, October 19, 2016 (UTC)

For example that there is an other user on the Symphogear Wiki (which that I'm an Admin on) that is using almost the same username as mine. That user also has multiple accounts that has been copying my username with the same style. HorizonStriker (talk) 15:59, October 19, 2016 (UTC)

Ah - could you send in a report to Special:Contact/general with links to those users? We'll take a look and see what action may be needed. Thanks! User:Kirkburn/Sig 16:08, October 19, 2016 (UTC)

I've sent a report to contact. HorizonStriker (talk) 16:17, October 19, 2016 (UTC)

RE: Open Source Superheroes Wiki

I'm the creator of this wiki. If you check the site's stats, you will see that I created it on 22 October 2013. Having checked the wiki today, I noticed that my administrative privileges have been removed.

As the founder and chief contributor to the site, I would likebe very grateful to have administrative and bureaucratic control returned to me if at all possible. Cheers, Simon Kirby SimonKirby (talk) 04:54, January 15, 2017 (UTC)

You can request that your rights be returned by sending Staff a message via Special:Contact/general.
~Ursuul 04:56, January 15, 2017 (UTC)
They were removed because someone had adopted the wiki in November and you had been inactive for at least a year, as you can see here. I doubt Staff will give you your rights back, and the admins haven't been inactive for 60 days, so you wouldn't be able to adopt the wiki back again. Staff will most likely tell you to contact the admins on the wiki about it.--Annabeth and Percy🎵I hear the bells, they're ringing loud and clear. You can't help but love this time of year. It's Christmas time, there's something in the air. There's a little bit of Heaven everywhere.🎵 05:04, January 15, 2017 (UTC)

Becoming a Check User

How to become a Check User?--™ 10:29, March 31, 2017 (UTC)

Generally CheckUser rights aren’t granted unless the Wiki you administrate is very large & has a history of incessant vandalism. If you are an admin on such a wiki, then I would have a community discussion to see if it’s necessary & then send a request to Staff via Special:Contact/general. They may still reject your request however.
Thanks Ursul.:-)--™ 10:33, March 31, 2017 (UTC)

Badges Suggestion/Question

Specifically the Content Moderator icon (the pencil), where does the ever show up? It doesn’t show up in Discussions (I checked), & I’m fairly certain it doesn’t who up in Chat because I’ve never seen it. I think I read somewhere that some of those badges don’t actually show up, they’re just there for a complete set as it were. So I’d like to ask; which badges do show up, & where? Should that information not be on the Help page? Beyond that, why don’t Rollbacks, Bureaucrats, or even Founders have badges? I could get Founders not having them, but Rollbacks could at least share the Content Mod badge like Chat Mods do with the Discussions Mod badge. I think there should be consistency; badges for all, or badges listed only where they are actually used on-site.

Yeah. Im still wondering the same thing too. As for these screenshots:
I don't know...--CavaX 11:07, June 10, 2017 (UTC)
And I also notice the bureaucrats hasn't a badge...--CavaX 11:08, June 10, 2017 (UTC)
It would be pointless for Founders to have their own badges since it's just a title that doesn't come with any additional rights, although they are given admin and bureaucrat status upon founding the wiki. I agree that Roll-backers should have the same badge as Content Moderator since they are basically to a Content Moderator, what a Chat Moderator is to a Discussion Moderator. Not sure whether Bureaucrats have their own badge, or rather, not sure what badge they should have, whether they should have their own sort of badge, since I'm unsure what sort of symbol would represent a Bureaucrat. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 11:42, June 10, 2017 (UTC)

The Content Moderator badge is used on Special:Community - and these badges will likely be shown in more places as we continue updating site features. User:Kirkburn/Sig 15:05, June 12, 2017 (UTC)

Rollback right and moving images

When you have the Rollback right you can move images as well or you can move em without creating a redirect. -- Chillispike (talk) 11:01, August 18, 2017 (UTC)

If I recall correctly, that is an Admin & Content Mod right, not a rollback right.
Actually they can't. Users with rollback rights can revert edits more quickly than regular users can, which makes one powerful tool in the right hands, but a rather destructive tool in the wrong hands. But no. Moving images and moving pages without leaving behind a redirect is something that only Administrators and Content Moderators can do. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 11:04, August 18, 2017 (UTC)
Rollback rights are only for reverting edits with only one taste. So can't delete pages and then they can't move the pages without no leaving redirect, but content moderator, sysop, vstf, helper and staff, can.--CλVλX 11:14, August 18, 2017 (UTC)
That is indeed correct. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 11:17, August 18, 2017 (UTC)

Power User

What is a power user? I read somewhere that it has an edit requirement?Template:Unsigned

Thread:1169042 should prove enlightening.
In theory, but the linked pageViewTracking.js is a 404. I collected some "red user links" in a category:poweruser to document that they aren't random users from outer space, but bots + staff + VSTF with a user page here. Do you have an idea what the new Project:Fandom-editor Template:Special is about? –Dunnoob 💩 02:53, November 21, 2017 (UTC)
Non-VSTF/Staff/Bots do have the poweruser right however, & I’ve seen powerusers a few months ago without a user-page on Central, unless I misread you. The GitHub link throwing a 404 is interesting though, perhaps the group was tweaked.

Regarding FANDOM-editor group; that’s for the Fan-Contributor program that allows users to contribute to FANDOM Stories / editorials.
Yes, other powerusers might exist, but the category mentioned above mostly contains one-line {{w::User:{{PAGENAMEE}}}} [[Category:Poweruser]] user pages created by a third party (=me).
Here I could redirect Project:Fandom-editor to w:c:www:fan-contributor, but I'm looking for a shared help page (section) as target working everywhere. Should it be a new #Global_level sub-section, another hidden anchor for #Other_groups, or a new sub-section of #Other_groups? –Dunnoob 💩 04:22, November 21, 2017 (UTC)
I’m not sure I grasp the significance.

As for where to put Fan-Contributors; Global level seems inappropriate, since they don’t get a Masthead Tag / other signifiers on their profiles, & because they don’t have rights on the Wikia side of FANDOM. Linking to Other groups doesn’t sit right either, since the group is not unused. So, I am unsure. Perhaps simply linking to Help:User rights without any anchors would be ideal, or maybe no redirect at all. Perhaps Staff could be consulted.
Template:Done: It's a wiki, you rejected 2 of 3 proposals, I picked the 3rd. ;-) I dislike red links on Special:ListGroupRights, that's now fixed. Staff is aware of this "project". –Dunnoob 💩 04:57, November 21, 2017 (UTC)
I've tagged Project:Poweruser for deletion after the user right was retired. –Dunnoob 💩 07:32, February 15, 2018 (UTC)

Singular headings

Would someone please consider making the headings for positions singular? It would help with section linking a little bit. Lady Aleena (talk) 02:10, December 22, 2017 (UTC)

Hello! As discussed, this will cause quite a few redirects and other links to break - and there's no substantial reason for it to be singular, so it'd be better to leave it in its current plural form. noreplyz 05:39, December 22, 2017 (UTC)
In theory you could preserve the plurals as anchors, cf. Template:Tlx, in practice if it ain't broke, don't fix it. –Dunnoob 💩 04:35, December 23, 2017 (UTC)

Re-adding Utilities

Shouldn't Utilities be re-added to the user rights list? I know they probably aren't as sufficiently important as VSTF, Helpers, and Staff to mention them on the page, and I know that they are rights that no one but Wikia employees are likely to have, but they do hold significance.

There are quite a number of things that Utilities can do that Staff on their own cannot do, but many Staff members, including the Community Support Staff have Utility rights anyway. For one thing, Utilities have access to all the global permissions, whereas Staff on their own cannot add much outside all the local permissions. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 21:56, January 10, 2018 (UTC)

You could extend the Help:User rights#Other_groups statement, or strip its shaky and are unused part. On Special:ListGroupRights it is FANDOM Utilities, a (hardwired) wikilink to Community Central:Staff, not explaining anything at the moment. –Dunnoob 💩 02:35, January 11, 2018 (UTC)

Well here's my drafted summary of the Utility user-group, if we were ever to add the information about the user-group back:

Utilities have full access to all utility functions, including user-groups, on all wikis. Most members of the utility user-group also have Staff rights, though certain Helpers are also members of the utility user-group. All members of the community support team have utility rights in addition to staff rights. They are shown in Special:Listusers/util on all other wikis. The identity to their profile is not shown, and they may not have a staff signature unless they have Staff privileges.

Just an idea, since the user-group does have access to some unique features that none of the other groups have, even though almost no one except Staff or Helpers are likely to be have them. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 11:31, January 14, 2018 (UTC)

Is the video object at the top of this page black for anyone else?

I debated removing it without asking here first, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't some fluke on my end. - Citrusellaeditswikis (talk) 05:06, April 28, 2018 (UTC)

Hey there, the video at the top is working for me. Do you have anything that might be blocking the video from displaying? noreplyz 07:34, April 28, 2018 (UTC)
When I saw this response, my mind went, "Of course! My adblocker! How could I have been so silly to not test that first?!" Turns out... it's not my adblocker. I did ?useskin=oasis and found it's a problem somewhere in Monobook as far as I can tell. Because of course it is. Sigh. (Now I get to figure out if it'd be considered something that merits quick fixing if I report it as a Monobook bug. From past experience, I say there's a 25-35% chance of that. XP) ...Oh, well. Glad I asked first and figured out where the hiccup is happening! Thanks for responding so quickly! - Citrusellaeditswikis (talk) 22:05, April 28, 2018 (UTC)
I'm seeing the same issue on Monobook, I think you're right that it's the issue here. noreplyz 01:58, April 29, 2018 (UTC)

Request To Be Forgotten Tool Admin

I saw there was a user group called "Request To Be Forgotten Tool Admin". In the List Global Users, I found that there is One Person (ChesskyStaff) with that right. What does it do and what is it's point? THX! -ThePokegeek5000 19:24, May 24, 2018 (UTC)

This is to acknolwedge the GDPR requirements set out in the European Union. It means, that residents of the EU are allowed to have their personal information cleaned out and be forgotten online. And ChesskyStaff is the one to implement it. MechQueste talk 19:34, May 24, 2018 (UTC)

Auto confirmed Users

Hello I’m a Moderator on and it allows me to edit page that are for admin moderators and all users but not auto confirmed. Its been removed can someone help. Dominic1743 (talk) 10:56, March 16, 2019 (UTC)

It is because you have Content Moderator rights on that wiki. Content Moderators are able to edit fully protected pages. Aside from Administrators, none of the other local user-groups can edit fully protected pages, and only non-administrators that have auto-confirmed status can edit semi-protected pages. Even though Content Moderators don't have the auto-confirmed permission, they do have the fully protected permission which automatically gives them the ability to edit semi-protected pages. Hope my answer helps! :) ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 11:04, March 16, 2019 (UTC)
What I’m trying to say is I can edit all of the others except semi protected pages. Dominic1743 (talk) 11:11, March 16, 2019 (UTC)
But you can edit fully protected pages? ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 11:18, March 16, 2019 (UTC)
I think what might have happened is that when you triggered the abuse filter, the abuse filter revoked your auto-confirmed status locally. That's rather annoying, and I can vaguely remember it happening with another user on a wiki that had chat restricted to auto-confirmed users. When that happened, that account wasn't able to join chat until they got their auto-confirmed status back. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 11:23, March 16, 2019 (UTC)
How do I get it back. Dominic1743 (talk) 11:25, March 16, 2019 (UTC)
I'm not sure how to get it back other than to wait until your account gets auto-confirmed again which takes 4 days. You could try contacting contacting Staff, but I can't guarantee that they'd be able to help. Or have you tried asking the Administrators on the Supernatural Wiki? Namely the ones that modify the abuse filter. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 11:29, March 16, 2019 (UTC)
Have an admin go to Special:AbuseFilter/tools and give you back your auto-confirmed status. --Sharkie 11:38, March 16, 2019 (UTC)
Yeah, try that. I had no idea it was possible to do that. I've had minimal contact with modifying abuse filters myself, and the community that had them wasn't very experienced with editing them either, from what I can remember. ― C.Syde (talk | contribs) 11:46, March 16, 2019 (UTC)

Being unblocked

How do I get unblocked? Trevor Jaco 0 Template:Unsigned

Hey Trevor! You might want to take a look at this blog post, which provides lots of advice about that. Playsonic2 21:51, June 19, 2019 (UTC)

Admins and Chat Moderators

Would admins, being able to promote chat moderators, have the rights of a Chat Moderator built-in like they do Content Moderator and Discussions Moderator? Or is there actually some purpose to an admin assigning themself Chat Moderator rank? talk2ty 13:44, September 20, 2019 (UTC)

All discussion moderators have Chat moderator rights. File:Bowser201.png(File:Speech.png)

Hello Tycio. Admins automatically have all permissions of Chat and Discussions moderators. They are able to grant/remove the same rights. For them to grant it to themselves, it is redundant. MechQueste 14:05, September 20, 2019 (UTC)

I have a wiki to adopt

I have a wiki that I would like to adopt, i.e. to be the main admin there. how would I do so? I have been editing wikipedia for over ten years. please let me know. thanks!! Sm8900 (talk) 23:07, February 10, 2020 (UTC)

Adoption:Requests would be what you’re looking for -Template:UpnCbs06/Signature

Hi, my Bureuacrat a long time ago removed my rights, even though I was behaving and just made a mistake. Now we're in a competition and I'm scared I'll lose my rights forever. His name is Lordofduel on Rio Wiki (english).

File:Twin Feathers.png Spixmacaw101 18:13, February 15, 2020 (UTC)


The capitalization on this page is really inconsistent. Are groups such as content moderators or discussions moderators to be capitalized or lowercase?—User:Yxtqwf/Sig (I) 05:47, May 2, 2020 (UTC)

True, but the groups are named that way — Game widow ( talk ) 11:31, May 2, 2020 (UTC)


Ummm why is there no mention of Discussions Moderators Pikaapikapika (talk) 02:46, June 13, 2020 (UTC)

Discussions Moderators are listed under the Local Groups heading.
Stargaze Sprinkles (talk) 03:00, June 13, 2020 (UTC)

Interface Administrator

I'm the founder of a wiki, but I'm not an interface administrator there and would like to become one. "Interface administrator" is in the list of user rights I cannot change. Please help!

Antonym of Bright (talk) 22:17, July 3, 2020 (UTC)Antonym of Bright 

You should log a ticket with the Help Desk about this ( — Game widow ( talk ) 14:27, July 6, 2020 (UTC)

Rights issues

Uh so um hi, hopefully i'm doing this right i just wanted to ask something. 

I'm founder and head admin of a wiki that I wanted a friend to be in charge of, I don't know how but during trying to make them head admin I somehow removed my head admin rights and now cannot make them anything other than a mod. Is there any way i can fix my mistake? If you know please help. I think my thing with this TheGarnetApproves (talk) 00:08, September 15, 2020 (UTC)

Please send a message to Zendesk to get in touch with Fandom Staff to assist you.


I think the system message MediaWiki:User-identity-box-group-sysop does not work on UCP. It is editable by local admins, but it does not appear listed on Special:AllMessages, and I've tested it with no effect on local admins' tags. I don't like the term "Sysop" and I wanted to use the legacy word "Admin", but it doesn't seem to be possible. Sapador Castelo (talk) 15:08, November 2, 2020 (UTC)

You are correct, this page is now stationed at MediaWiki:Userprofile-global-tag-sysop and can only be edited by Fandom Staff. Wither 15:30, November 2, 2020 (UTC)

How do I get autoconfirmed?

I did 10 edits on some wikis and it's been 4 days since I last edited, but I still have not been autoconfirmed, leaving me unable to edit in big fandoms. I think the rules also lied to me about being able to upload images as a registered user, but apparently you have to be an autoconfirmed user to upload images. Can someone help me with this? TylerJackson21 (talk) 19:26, 25 February 2021 (UTC)

map-tester ?

What's it! MountWario (Yell at me here) 12:24, 6 August 2021 (UTC)

A new proto-right FANDOM is testing on for the new Map Editor feature, currently useless because the right does nothing. ~ Headquarter8302yeet G'day mate 12:43, 6 August 2021 (UTC)

How can i become a Fandom Helper

Helpers are volunteers working to support and improve non-English Fandom communities. Because they exercise staff tasks in their respective language, they share many user rights with Fandom staff. See Special:ListHelpers for a member list. Users in this group will have a "Helper" tag on their profile and a special tag (<staff />) in their signatures. Accessing tools:

  • Global Block
  • Helping other wikis and my home wikis (such as pages, system messages, etc)
  • Help other users on their wiki when they ask me

Orange Skull 00:38, 25 January 2022 (UTC)

Contact staff, or have a very good or even an exceptional record of helping non English communities in FANDOM, then hope staff or someone high in the ranks notice you. ~ Headquarter8302c 00:55, 25 January 2022 (UTC)

Dear Fandom

I have noticed that everyone here hates criticism of Fandom, but I’ll have to criticise you. Sorry if this offends anyone.

I have been using Fandom since late 2019. I have realised that since then, anonymous users have not been able to comment on pages, edit 50% of all wikis and that we can’t have a say in anything (UCP sucks). You might be asking “why is it like this?” It is like this because Fandom wants us to have an account so they can spam your email inbox 500 times a day. Or it is because Fandom thinks that anonymous users are vandals (we are not vandals). Please can someone read this and tell everyone if this is true (I think it is). 23:20, 22 October 2022 (UTC)

You know you can disable all emails from FANDOM through your preferences, right? Also, the anonymous editing restriction on most wikis are set by the wiki administrators, not FANDOM. Message wall and comment IP restrictions are put in place due to a noticeable pattern of destructive behaviour across FANDOM done by an individual or a group of people. — Headquarter8302c 01:06, 23 October 2022 (UTC)
Okay then, it is pointer 2 “Because Fandom thinks we are vandals”. And, why do they want our Email address? (If there are some spelling mistakes, then that is because Fandom is very buggy) 03:18, 23 October 2022 (UTC) I am not a vandal
For point 2, you can ask FANDOM themselves at their Zendesk support form. For the email address, that's the way they auth and prove your identity, virtually every website currently online that has an account system requires an email address as a sort of identifier so they can confirm the email and validate your authenticity, without it, then a bad actor will just spam a lot of random username and passwords for spam account creation. — Headquarter8302c 04:14, 23 October 2022 (UTC)
“virtually every website currently online that has an account system” Wikipedia does not need your email to create an account. 04:32, 23 October 2022 (UTC) stop thinking that I am a vandal
Wikipedia works differently than FANDOM. Besides, in FANDOM, you do not need a confirmed email address to edit pages and talk pages. Emailconfirmed protection is only applied on high-traffic wikis or ones with a history of rampant vandalism, and again, with stuff like message walls, they require emailconfirmed to prevent spam account creation from abusing message walls and comments. — Headquarter8302c 05:46, 23 October 2022 (UTC)
I know now. It’s because Fandom doesn’t want vandals, not because they think I am a vandal. Also, “Fandom” is not stylised in ALL CAPS anymore. 08:36, 23 October 2022 (UTC) save Minecraft

Exactly how does autoconfirmation work?

I have waited four days to make one comment and I still am unable to do this. In a different thread someone was saying that users also need to make 10 article edits in order to be autoconfirmed, but this thread was a decade old and still called the site Wikia. Is this true? If so, the official help page needs updating to reflect this. Dafoex (talk) 09:58, 30 June 2023 (UTC)

Yes, your account have to be more than 4 days old and have made at least 10 changes to become autoconfirmed.~aanzx - ✉ • © • SOAP 10:15, 30 June 2023 (UTC)
Thank you for the reply. Do page edits count anywhere (here for example) or just in articles? As you might be able to tell, I'm new here. Dafoex (talk) 11:07, 30 June 2023 (UTC)


do you have to be autoconfirmed to be emailconfirmed By Voxicc :3 I eat children /srs 13:45, 3 March 2024 (UTC)

No. You can be email confirmed without being autoconfirmed and vise versa. No0n4m3S (talk) 14:13, 3 March 2024 (UTC)