LUMbA Wiki:Admins

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Administrators are volunteers who help maintain Community Central. You'll often find them in blog, forum, and wall discussions. Administrators are appointed by Fandom Staff as needed.

Administrators are here to help you with non-Staff related questions, so be sure to leave them a note if you need their help!



Template:VolunteerCard Template:VolunteerCard Template:VolunteerCard Template:VolunteerCard


Contact them

Need to get into contact with an administrator? They'd be happy to help with whatever you need here on Community Central! To contact them, you can click one of their usernames that you can find earlier in the page, and then click "Message Wall" once on their user profile page to leave them a message.

If you have a concern about an administrator, please contact the Community Support Team at Fandom's Zendesk.

ca:Wikia:Administradors de:Administration und Moderation es:Wikia:Administradores y moderadores fr:Equipe fi:Yhteisöwiki:Ylläpitäjät hi:व्यवस्थापक और मॉडरेटर ja:コミュニティセントラル:管理者 pl:Centrum Społeczności:Administratorzy pt:Central da Comunidade:Administradores e moderadores tr:Project:Hizmetliler zh:社区中心:社区中心团队