User blog:Antonio R. Castro/Technical Updates: February 9, 2024

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Template:Featured blog Hello hello! After a very active week with some important releases, it’s time to do a recap and show you all the other stuff that we did under the hood. You can read our previous update here. As we always say, please keep in mind that this is just a snapshot of the work done during the last weeks, we are featuring only the most relevant updates.

Notable changes

  • As we teased in the previous tech update, the Simplified editor has been released for both modes of the VisualEditor. The icons have been reorganized and the accessibility has been improved significantly, seeing more interactions in the tool after the previous experiments. You can read the details here.
  • We have improved the left/right arrows in the Image Lightbox due to the limited visibility on smaller viewports. They use a new design with two circle backgrounds, using different colors depending on the wiki theme.
  • SVG transparency is supported now. The backgrounds were filled with white by default previously.
  • CodeMirror is an extension providing syntax highlighting in MediaWiki’s wikitext editor. We have updated it for the 2010 Editor (Source Editor). This also resulted in some design changes, such as extra padding in front of the content within the editor to increase readability.
    • We are aware that this also led to the decrease of the line height within the editor.
    • [Update 02/12/24] CodeMirror will be reverted to the previous version tomorrow. We have received reports about some specific functionalities not working correctly on the 2010 Editor. We will upgrade the extension again after checking that everything is working as before.

Recent Fixes

  • On FandomMobile, the RecentChanges filter was covered by any active notification. Now it will be the other way round.
  • Special:RelatedChanges page is correctly adapted to the mobile skin now. It will no longer extend past the page width and push certain icons (such as the user avatar, notifications bell icon and search icon) in GlobalNav out of the general viewport.
  • Portable Infobox Extension was generating some unjustified internal errors. It didn’t have an effect on the user experience, but we have fixed it, allowing us to clean the noise from our internal reports.
  • References toolbar was positioned incorrectly in the VisualEditor, breaking feature
  • Text in the infobox lists will now be consistent in size with the rest of the text in FandomMobile and use 14px rather than take the 16px from the mw-parser style.
  • Source Editor (2010 editor) was showing a black text cursor on dark theme, it is fixed too.

Fixes in Development [WIP]

  • Data is not getting stored into Cargo tables after page creation until another edit. We continue looking into rectifying this.
  • Links in image captions on FandomMobile are missing in lightbox on FandomMobile.

Development Updates

User-Generated Content (UGC) team

  • [Experiment Concluded] Visual Editor performance improvement: After analyzing the results, we identified a 4% increase in edits made and a positive increase in pageviews per session.

User Experience

  • [Experiment] Fan Feed number of tiles: We will be running an experiment to see if removing the Fan Feed increases engagement and a potential performance improvement.
  • [Experiment] Pictures Near Paragraph: Based on the previous Pictures Under Paragraph experiment, mentioned in the previous Technical Updates, we will be testing a widget that offers pictures related to links in the content next to it. The widget will appear in the right rail on desktop and a bottom “drawer” on mobile.
  • [Experiment Concluded] Mobile Test: Collapsed Content Headers: We tested out the hypothesis that a reader of wikis wants the ability to easily navigate and read long articles by interacting with collapsible content sections. By showing the content headings as collapsed, and opening them upon interaction, readers control their focus on specific sections of interest without being overwhelmed by the entire content at once. The content would then be intuitively accessible, either by selecting its heading in the ToC or by interacting directly with the headings in the article. We are currently still analyzing the results of this test.

Traffic team

  • Quick Answers: We added a vetting period for Quick Answers, meaning that mod teams will have a select period the time edit new Quick Answers before they go live on the wiki. Based on community feedback, we continue to finetune how long this period will be and how many new QAs there can be to review. This is all done in close relation with 4 wiki testing communities. To meet another community request, the next addition to the QA Dashboard will be a counter to show how many QAs there are in each filter option. In the meantime, we released more details about this feature in this blog post.

A really interesting week as you can see!

Thank you for all your support, and as always, if there is anything you think should be fixed, please contact us on our Walls/talk pages or send us a bug report!

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